“Heroes brave new world” is the fifth season of Heroes Drama. This season is expecting to be release in the March of the next year 2011. “Heroes brave new world” is a Prime-Time Drama. “Heroes” series is based on science fiction, fantasy, action and thrill. Heroes Season five is going to hit the count of hundreds episodes. Season five will be the sixth volume of this series.
“Heroes” was premiered first time on 25 of September in the year 2006, at the NBC American channel. This drama runs on air for one hour. This series is an art piece of Richard Timothy Kring, Dennis Hammer, Allan Arkush, Adam Armus and many others. Kring is commonly knows as “Tim Kring”. Kring is a famous American producer and screenwriter. Strange World and Crossing Jordan are also the master piece of his productions.
He was nominated for Emmy award as the best producer of Heroes series in the year 2007. This drama has been thoroughly filmed in the city Los Angles, California. Gregory Phillip Grunberg, Alison Elizabeth, David Anders Holt, Kristen Anne Bell, Santiago Cabrera, John MacDonald Jack Coleman, Noah Gray-Cabey, Robert Lyle Knepper and many others are the proud performers of this series.
Noah Gray is fourteen years old, youngest actor of the series. He is playing the role of “Micah Sanders” from the first season. Alison Elizabeth is popularly known as Ali Larter. Larter was born on 28 of Febuary in the year 1976. She has played vital role in this series. Gregory Phillip Grunberg is famously known as Greg Grunberg.
Greg is doing the lead role in through out the series. He was born on 11 of July in the year1966. Greg plays role of Matt Parkman. Greg has said in his recent interview that the fourth season “Heroes Redemption” will be accomplished in the fifth upcoming season “Heroes brave new world”.